Following is a list of courses I commonly teach at UC Davis. For any given quarter the days and times will vary, so please consult the most current official schedule when planning your personal course schedule. Classes fill up fast so be sure to register early to claim your seat!
AAS010 – Introduction to African-American Culture and Society (4) Lecture–3 hours; discussion–1 hour. Critical examination of the historical, political, social, and economic factors that have affected the development and status of African-American people in contemporary society. GE credit: SocSci, Div | ACGH, DD, SS, WE.
AAS050 – Black Popular Culture (4) Lecture–3 hours; discussion–1 hour. Survey of the African American images in popular culture (film, television, comedy, sports and music). GE credit: ArtHum, Div, Wrt | ACGH, AH, DD, VL, WE.
AAS 053—Black California (4) Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Introduction to the experiences and contributions of people of African descent in California from the early 18th century to the present. GE credit: ACGH, AH, DD, SS. Effective: 2021 Fall Quarter.
AAS100 – Survey of Ethnicity in the U.S. (4) Lecture–3 hours; discussion–1 hour. Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. Sociological and historical analysis of the experience, culture, and relations of and between groups considered racial and/or ethnic minorities in the United States. GE Credit: ArtHum | ACGH, AH, DD.
AAS165 – Afro-Christianity and the Black Church (4) Lecture–3 hours; discussion–1 hour. Prerequisite: course 10, 15 or consent of instructor, upper-division standing. Examination of the historical role of Christian belief and practice as well as the institution of the Black Church in the experience of African Americans, from slavery to the present. GE credit: SocSci, Div | ACGH, DD, SS.